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Management and Service Platform of Educational Resources

release time:2010-11-09

1. System Architecture

There are 9 types of online educational resources including media materials, eitecs, examination papers, courseware and network courseware, literature resources, case studies, FAQs, resource index, and network courses. The platform involves system management, resource management, and databases. Also it includes disciplinary resource management, resource audit, resource distribution, and resource retrieval.

2. Features

The functional modules in the platform including user management, courseware management, material management, courseware retrieval, material retrieval, course retrieval, courseware statistics, feedback, help system, etc. We can register or verify a new user in the user management module, and import, retrieve, verify the courseware and query them in the courseware management module. General search and advanced search are two retrieval methods for courseware retrieval module and the source material retrieval module. Feedback module collects feedbacks on both users and courseware.

3. Applications and Cases

The platform can be widely used in the area of E-learning and training for distributed online education resources management and retrieval. It can be integrated with resource development platform, teaching platform, learning support tools, etc. Currently, it has been put into practice in Open Distance Learning Center, Chinese Academy of Science graduate school, and many universities’ network colleges and benefits more than one million users.

Address: Science Hall, Huazhong Normal University, 152 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, P. R. China, postcode: 430079
(National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning)
Tel: 027-67867024 Fax: 027-67862995 Email:

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