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2012 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (ICSEEE 2012)

release time:2012-10-09

Organized by:Guangdong University of Business Studies, China

Hong Kong Industrial Technology Research Centre

The purpose of this conference is to exchangeexperience and knowledge in regard to the theories, new developments andpractical applications ofEnergy, Motivation and electrical engineering,Environmental, Resources.We highlyencourage novel and innovative previously unpublished work, even reporting workin early stage.All paper will be published on international journal《AppliedMechanics and Materials》EI Compendex & CPCI/ISTPJournal

ICSEEE 2012 has been included in TTP Conference List

Please sent us full paper on October 31th

Welcome to beautiful Guangzhou!The organizerof ICSEEE

Address: Science Hall, Huazhong Normal University, 152 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, P. R. China, postcode: 430079
(National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning)
Tel: 027-67867024 Fax: 027-67862995 Email:

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