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COMPSAC 2011 - The Computed World: Software Beyond the Digital Society

release time:2010-11-12

Creating the digital society and beyond needs all aspects of computing, software development, and software systems engineering. The computed world embraces not only the Information Technology world, but also the physical world. COMPSAC, the IEEE Signature Conference on Computer Software and Applications, is a unique forum to bring together all facets of computed world and their major stakeholders. Building on computationally smart environments, and trustworthy, secure, and dependable distributed software—themes of highly successful recent COMPSAC conferences—the technical theme for the 35th conference is The Computed World: Software Beyond the Digital Society.

To properly engineer such domains, the foundations, methodologies, and mechanisms that support the design, modeling, and evaluation of software systems and computer applications must come from diverse sources. Topics of interest include but are not limited to requirement analysis, co-analysis/co-design, modeling, development, testing, measurement, verification, validation, performance, autonomy, safety, security, privacy and dependability constraints. Effective construction of these systems is not limited solely to the field of computer science and engineering and comes as a synergetic effort, between various domains of research. Multidisciplinary work, research and development of software prototypes, industry-university collaborations, all based on new emerging and critical technologies will be of particular interest to this conference. All accepted papers will be published in the electronic proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society, indexed through INSPEC and EI Index, and automatically included in the IEEE digital library.

All accepted papers will be published in the electronic proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society, indexed through INSPEC and EI Index and automatically included in the IEEE digital library.

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